When you give to Indie Radio Network, you're not only helping us get the word out there about music and independent artists, but you also help independent artists bring the best out in their work for the people to hear. Indie Radio Network stands in the gap for independent artists and gives them a platform to have their music heard all over the world from countries such as Brazil, Italy, China, India, The Netherlands, the UK, and America to name a few.

Your financial giving to Indie Radio Network also helps provide more services and better platforms for artists to get their music out in the world and to bring new fans and new listeners.  You also open doors for Indie Radio Network to go in places that other radio stations don't tread and you help to bring better solutions such as updated audio equipment, newer computers, and better radio servers to start off.

Support independent artists and Indie Radio Network by clicking the button below and sowing your seed today! You will be glad you did and you will be making a difference.

Also if you give more than $20 in a donation, your name will be featured on a Thank you for Donating page on our website!